That would be me!
If you know me at all, you know that I do not do well with heat. I especially do not do well with humidity. Thankfully, this trip I will be required to stay indoors.
I will be traveling down to the Lone Star state because of the national convention for my church body, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod coming up in 2010. And no, we are not the same as the Lutherans that you heard about this past summer. I will get to go instead of another pastor from my immediate area because the people here chose me to be the Pastoral representative. So, this will be a wonderful opportunity for me to see how my church body really operates. It will be interesting to observe the church politics involved (And if you don't think that there is such a thing, you have not been paying attention.). This will be a wonderful opportunity just to meet new people, as well as, those who lead us as Missouri Synod Lutherans.
Those are the same ones we pray for on a weekly basis in church so I will be glad for an opportunity to actually meet some of them, if the chance arises.
So, pray for me that I will be able to process the mountains of paper that will come my way through the Post Office over the next year. Many groups will try to persuade me to vote their way. I will need our heavenly Father's wisdom to know the best way to cast my vote when the time comes.
15 hours ago
Matt was delegate once. It was a great time for us a as a family as well, as I herded four boys through St. Louis while Matt was at the convention. Sadly, as a confessional pastor, he had many be prepared!