In the Name of the Father, and of the Son,+ and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
‘“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”’ (Vv. 10b-11)
Elfern loved life. She enjoyed caring for her house here in Odessa until it was necessary for her to move to the nursing home. Elfern was one of the first people I went to visit after I arrived in Odessa. It was something relatively minor that still needed a visit from the pastor.
At that time I remember seeing her out in the yard, mowing her lawn. I wish I had been able to get to know Elfern better before she went through the brain aneurysm that required her to enter the nursing home. Even after that hospital stay, I still always enjoyed visiting with Elfern whenever I was able.
Elfern could live as she did, as one whose future was secure, because of what our Gospel lesson speaks about. Jesus is the good shepherd. Jesus laid down His life on the cross and His burial and took it up again at His resurrection. Jesus did all of this for our salvation. Those of us who are baptized and continue in the faith given at that time are confident that as Elfern was.
Elfern knew where she was going when she died.
Elfern knew that this life is a valley of the dark shadow of death (Ps. 23). She knew that a better life lay ahead for her. Elfern knew that same life lay ahead for any that trusted in Jesus for their salvation, as their personal Savior. That is you and I.
‘He lives and grants me daily breath
He lives, and I shall conquer death;
He lives my mansion to prepare;
He lives to bring me safely there.’ (LSB 461:7)
So, because of this confidence, Elfern lived her life. She married, raised her children, and she enjoyed Twins baseball. Elfern could do the mundane tasks of life with all of her ability, doing them right the first time. She could do this because Elfern knew that this was the work God had put before her. She knew these were the good works given for her to do by our heavenly Father.
‘“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” … “And no one will snatch them out of my hand.”’ (Vv. 27-28)
We are the sheep of this passage. We who believe and trust in Jesus for our salvation, we know the voice of Jesus our good shepherd. Because of this, we then follow our Savior wherever He leads us. Elfern throughout her life trusted Jesus as her good shepherd. So, she went through her life, knowing that our God’s mercies are new every morning. Elfern went through life knowing where she was headed. So, she could enjoy her children and grandchildren. I always remember talking with her about going out to visit with her family and seeing all the many and changing pictures on her wall when I visited.
The beautiful thing about our Savior is the complete confidence with which He has allowed us to live our lives. Since the Father loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to redeem the world from our sins (St. Jn. 3:16) we are confident. We are confident because of what Jesus tells us here. Because of what Jesus told Elfern throughout her life here in these verses: ‘“And no one will snatch them out of my hand.”’ (V. 28)
What a beautiful few words. This is second only to those places that Jesus tells us of our salvation. Here we learn that such complete salvation as we have received is for sure. There is nothing that can be done to change this other than our own rejection. The Father will not let us go; no devil can snatch us from His hand.
We know from this passage that our good shepherd will be with us to the very end as He walked with Elfern to the very end of her life. Our Savior walks with us as he walked with Elfern. He goes the distance; He walks in this valley of the shadow until His own holy angels come to gather us to the bosom of our Father who is in heaven.
‘O blessed saints in bright array
Now safely home in endless day,
Extol the Lord,
Who with His Word
Sustained you on the way.
The steep and narrow path you trod;
O blessed saints in bright array
Now safely home in endless day,
Extol the Lord,
Who with His Word
Sustained you on the way.
The steep and narrow path you trod;
You toiled and sowed the Word abroad;
Rejoice and bring
Your fruits and sing
Before the throne of God.
The myriad angels raise their song;
O saints, sing with that happy throng!
Lift up one voice;
Let heaven rejoice
In our Redeemer’s song!’ (LSB 676:3)
In Jesus’+ Name. Amen.
15 hours ago
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