This past July the town that we live in celebrated 130 years since its founding. There were games for the adults, dances for both young and old, activities for the small children and a dinner for all the classes that had graduated from the old Odessa high school. There was even a parade that Saturday.
As the pastor in the town, I was asked to help with more things, but I only ended up being able to help with two duties. On the Sunday night of that late July weekend, a former pastor's son hosted a dinner party for those who wanted to see him again and hear about his recently published book. I assisted at the end with the liturgy for a Vespers service.
The other duty that I was able to accept was to give the prayer at that dinner for all the graduating classes on Friday night. My prayer also helped to kick off the entire celebration. After the fact, I thought I had done a good job of speaking slowly (I have a bad habit of going to fast) and being loud enough for all to hear me. Later, a member at one of the churches that I serve, who had been in attendance, told me that he thought it sounded reminiscent of the Rev. Billy Graham.
I don't know if I agree with him on that assessment. I kind of think that he was giving me a boost of confidence and it was his way of telling me, "Job well done." Either way, it worked. It helped my self-confidence for such things and it let me know that I had done a good job.
Below is the text of that prayer:
"Almighty God, heavenly Father, graciously regard those who have been set in authority among us, especially the President and Congress, that they may be guided by Your Spirit, wise in counsel. Under them we pray our country may be protected from violence discord and confusion, even from pride and arrogance. O Lord God of hosts, stretch forth Your almighty arm to strengthen and protect those who serve in the armed forces of our nation. Support them in this time of war and bring them safely home to us. Heavenly Father, we give You most humble and hearty thanks for all Your goodness and lovingkindness to us and to our town of Odessa these last 130 years. And almighty God, You have always blessed the earth to make it fruitful bringing forth in abundance whatever is needed for the support of our lives. We ask You for seasonable weather this weekend both for the crops ripening in the fields but also for the anniversary festivities. O Christ, the Lord of hill and plain, watch over and protect all those traveling for this weekend’s celebration. Protect us all during this joyous occasion and the fun we will be having. Finally, Lord God of all, we pray You will bless this food before us to the nourishment of our bodies. In Jesus’ Name. Amen."
Good Things
18 hours ago
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