‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.’ (Ps. 19:14) Amen.
‘Grace, mercy and peace will be with you, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.’ (2 John 3) Amen.
Gordon was a steadfast man. He continued to farm no matter what life through at him. In spite of many setbacks in his life, Gordon continued to farm. He continued farming in spite of the injuries that this work gave him. He continued until he became ill.
Gordon spent his entire life in the country around Odessa. Gordon farmed on the same farm that he was born on. He was born there and he spent his entire life on. He farmed on the same farm through which, our loving heavenly Father provided for him, his wife Delores and for the raising of six children. As the hymn we just sang told us, we have a friend in Jesus.
Gordon had that same friend in Jesus. What is more, because of Gordon’s baptism out at Immanuel, Yellowbank, he had an older brother in Jesus. Because we have been baptized, we who trust in Jesus for our salvation are now baptized into God’s family (Gal. 4:4-7). Because of this close relationship that our God gave to Gordon, Gordon was able to go about his life with quite confidence. Gordon knew where he was going and so the fears and worries of this life in the end did not matter.
‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”’ (Vv. 28-30)
These words of Jesus seem to be made for Gordon. With the injuries from machinery and animals that he received while working his farm, Gordon seemed to be one who was heavy laden. For those who are toiling and burdened, there are no greater words than this. Jesus gives us the chance not only for rest but also for restoration. When we rest in Jesus, as He tells us to do here, we are able to “rest up”.
So, Gordon rested in his Savior.
Gordon rested in Jesus and received peace. So, he could go about being a husband and father all while working the home farm. Gordon enjoyed playing baseball and boxing and other sports. Even when his body would no longer allow him to be a player, Gordon continued to be involved in baseball by working as an umpire.
In these past-times and in other leisure activities that Gordon enjoyed, he was able to enjoy life. Gordon was free from any nagging worry as to what would happen once he passed on and left this life. Gordon knew what kind of God he worshipped. Gordon knew what his God had promised to do for him through Jesus. In Jesus, Gordon, and you and me and all those who trust in Jesus for our salvation, we have all been given peace. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light also because of Jesus. In Jesus we are taught to ‘in lowliness of mind each counting other better than himself’ (Phil. 2:3).
So, because we have been given that Life in Christ, your yoke is easy and light.
This idea of a lowliness of mind which counts the other better than oneself and therefore we show Christ to the other through our actions. This idea was not one that Jesus’ listeners would have seen as a good thing. Humility was then seen as servility. It was Jesus who made humility a virtue. Jesus teaches us each to be humble and because of the salvation that He has given to us through faith in Him. So, we can be humble so as to win others to that same gift of faith and trust in Jesus. To win others to that same confidence of where we will remain for all eternity. Heaven.
You too can live your life as one who knows where you are going. That is, you are then going to heaven with Jesus to live forever.
In Jesus’+ Name. Amen.
Natural Affection
2 hours ago
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