A blessed Armistice Day to you all!
That was the original name for this day ending WWI on the 11th month, 11th day, and the 11th hour. I would like to thank my maternal grandfather, who served in China and India during WWII and also my great uncles who also served, at least one who died. Also, thank you to my wife's paternal grandfather who served on a warship, in the pacific I believe, during WWII. Finally, thank you to all the men and women who are currently serving in Iraq and those who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan. Including three of the children of my parishioners and the son of the LCMS pastor in the neighboring town.
Thank you veteran's one and all.
Two prayers, one for those who serve and one for those who minister to the soldiers in our armed forces:
'O Lord God of hosts, stretch forth Your mighty arm to strengthen and protect those who serve in the armed forces of our country. Support them in times of war, and in times of peace keep them from all evil, giving them courage and loyalty and granting that in all things they may serve honestly and without reproach; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.'
'O Lord, almighty God, as You have always granted singular gifts of the Holy Spirit to Your Church on earth, grant Your special blessing, we pray, to all who minister in Your name in the armed forces that by Your gracious working they may honor Christ and advance the good of those committed to their care; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.' (Lutheran Worship, 1982 p. 130)
By God's grace, may all our service men and women be granted courage in and after the fire.
8 hours ago
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