Well, this passage to be exact.
'Praise the LORD! ... He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.' (Vv. 1, 4) It struck me, while I was reading from my TDP this morning what a truly wonderful God is the Christian God. How unfathomably amazing our God is! I over and over continue to uncover gems like this. Why is it surprising to anyone that, if the God of the universe, the Alpha and Omega, God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, when He will take the time to name each star, He will also take the time to care for each and every one of us. Why is it amazing that God will deign to rescue us from our sinfulness. And yet it is, precisely because of of who God is. It is precisely because He cares so deeply for such small things.
Not one of us is to small and insignificant for Jesus to take the time for. He cares for all of us. Even the forgotten ones.
8 hours ago
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