Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Dr. Paul Brand/Philip Yancey

This book, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey is a doctor explaining the Christian faith through the lens of the different parts of the human body. So, this Dr. begins with the single cell and goes on to such things as our skeleton, our muscles, our different organs, the eye. All the while, you gain a small bit of understanding of the true complexities of these different, sometimes simple seeming, parts of each of us. These two men grant the reader a greater appreciation for what our gracious God has given us both in the first article (Small Catechism II: 1st) gifts of our body and its abilities. These men also give us a greater appreciation and a different perspective on the gifts we receive in our salvation (2nd article gifts) and our sanctification (3rd article gifts). Praise the Lord that He simply spoke into being we humans and formed us first out of the mud of the earth (Genesis 1 and 2).

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