‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.’ (Ps. 19:14) Amen.
‘Grace, mercy and peace will be with you, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father’s Son, in truth and love.’ (2 John 3) Amen.
We have probably all heard of such an episode as this before. There was a group of college boys on their way home for Easter vacation. They were driving along at the posted speed limit when they topped a hill and met a pair of cars, one passing the other. Everyone tried to stop in time. There was the screeching of brakes the attempt to dodge each other. They met head on anyway. Each of the cars was destroyed and three people were killed. One of the boys sitting in the back seat flew through the windshield and past the oncoming car by several feet.
There wasn’t a scratch on him. He was entirely unhurt. A few days later the boy was sitting speaking with his pastor, concluding with the remark, “It is a miracle of God that I am still alive.” “You were mighty close to eternity,” agreed the pastor, and added: “If you had died at that moment, where would you be today?” Without hesitation or doubt, the boy responded with, “Well, heaven of course.” This speaks of the most important of all doctrines (Augsburg Confession IV) from the Bible which some now no longer believe. Even some so-called Christian churches now reject this. That is, we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
‘And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”’ (V. 43)
In these words of Jesus, we find that this man was justified by faith in Jesus Christ and for no other reason. After all, what was this man, but the worst of unregenerate sinners? He was a hardened criminal there is no doubt. He had spent his entire life doing evil. He was so rotten that the government had found it necessary to sentence him to the worst of deaths. He admitted even, that he was getting what he deserved by being hung on his cross.
At first, this man joined in with the crowds and the other criminal in the bragging and false boldness, he also mocked Jesus. When the others cursed the Savior, he also cursed and blasphemed. This man was obviously not saved by what he did! What he did was nonstop evil. Yet, this evil man was being worked on by the Holy Spirit. What saved him were not his works or words, but rather the grace of God. It was by his repentance and faith that this man received the reward Jesus speaks of.
This man may have heard from his mother about the coming Messiah when he was still small. He surely heard of Jesus those past three years of teaching ministry. It may even have been an early Christian who spoke to this man about the folly of his sins and the joy of salvation in Jesus Christ. What ever it was, death brings upon us all earnest and serious thoughts, thoughts about God and where we will end up. This man new his life was slipping away.
What must have been this man’s reaction when the Roman soldiers came with three scrolls and nailed one to the top of each cross? He could look up and not be at all surprised with the list of his crimes. He must have been truly amazed at the statement put above Jesus; “This is Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. This after Jesus prayed for those who cursed and mocked Him. He did not curse back.
God by His grace was taking hold of this man’s heart and changing it from stone to living flesh. How much remorse must have washed over him? He surely could not speak for a moment. Then when he did speak he rebuked the other criminal. ‘“We are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.”’ (V. 41) What Christian courage and faith! Everyone else was cursing and mocking Jesus and this man alone spoke in Jesus’ defense. All the so-called “righteous” rejected the Messiah, only an evil criminal would speak for Him! Have you ever done as much?
So, having made his confession of sin and faith, this man turned to Jesus and begged, ‘“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”’ (V. 42) This man alone calls Jesus Lord in this scene. Jesus responds to him by stating, ‘And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”’ (V. 43) How these words of Jesus must have thrilled this sinner, how they thrill and comfort you and me as well!
To be sure, none of us has gone to such length in our wickedness as this man. Yet, you too have your sins. We easily could have turned out like him. Sinfulness is frequently a matter of degree. Only, even the smallest so-called “small” sin is equal to the worst before God. This man’s greatest sin consisted in this, almost all of his life he trusted in himself and not in Jesus. Sound familiar? We often find ourselves thinking the same way! (Small Catechism 1: 1st) You too have your sins. You too need a Savior. Thank God, in Jesus we have forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus forgives this man, just as he also forgives you and me. Your assurance consists in this ‘Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.’ (Rom. 3:28) And, again ‘By grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.’ (Eph. 2:8, 9)
Do not let the devil or anyone else ever create doubt in your mind about this, it is as sure and certain as the nose on your face. This most glorious of all Christian doctrines found in God’s precious Word: A man is justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. This mean’s you. Your peace, your hope, your salvation depend on it.
In Jesus’+ Name. Amen.
Natural Affection
2 hours ago
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